The first thing I can't get enough of is looking at pictures of my new niece! My best friend, Lorajean, and her husband had baby #4 early morning March 1. She's precious, just like my first niece and two nephews who preceded her! Mom and baby are healthy and the family is adjusting well to the new arrival and her schedule. I love them all and miss them terribly, as they live in Utah and I live in Colorado. I've considered going to visit over spring break (which, for me, is next week!) but don't trust my car for the 8-hour drive each way. Also, I could only afford the gas for said 8-hour drive if I didn't pay my bills. No good. Sadly, I'll have to wait to meet this precious new addition to the world, but when I do she'll know she's loved by her Aunt Liberty!
The next thing I can't get enough of is Jason Mraz's latest single, "I Won't Give Up." It's hauntingly beautiful and sweet. I've played this video countless times (seriously, I've lost count) and downloaded the song which has also been played repeatedly; and now it's getting some air play on my favorite local radio station. Whenever it comes on the radio I crank up the volume as high as I can handle without going deaf. Absolutely love Jason Mraz and everything he's ever done. He's brilliant!
The latest thing I can't get enough of, though, is The Hunger Games! I resisted, especially when I learned they were making a movie of it. But really, I didn't know much about it except it was the latest book craze. I (incorrectly) thought it was going to be another Twilight fiasco. I should explain...My best friend -- yup, Lorajean again! -- and her family have been recommending books to me for years! I always resist at first, I think it's just a fad or that it couldn't possibly live up to the hype. Silly Liberty! First she recommended Harry Potter, long before the movies were out and just at the beginning of Potter Fever so I only had the vaguest idea of what the books were. Mostly I just knew that they were kids' books. Cut to 12 years later when I'm still a fervent Potterhead, after all the books have been released (so far! -- I'll never give up hope for more stories of the wizarding world) and the movies have been released. The stories and characters are a part of me in a way I never could have foreseen. Then we started reading Eragon, which was okay. I read the first two books of what was, at the time, to be the Inheritence Trilogy but by the time it was announced that there would be a fourth book, I'd lost momentum. I may read the rest of the series someday, but it's not high on my reading priority list just now. Next the entire family became engrossed in the Twilight series. I tried to read it after it was recommended very highly by both Lorajean and her sisters, but couldn't finish even the first chapter of the first book. Oh well, can't win them all. This past New Year I spent time playing games and having generally too much fun with Lorajean's family (sadly Lorajean wasn't in town for the festivities) and her youngest sister was buried in a book pretty much the whole time! I'm not sure now whether it was the first one or another in the series, but it was a Hunger Games book. When I asked about it, another sister filled me in while the youngest continued to read. It was interesting, but I wasn't convinced. But slowly I've been exposed to more and more about the story and characters over the past couple months and recently acquired a digital copy to read on my iPhone -- only because there are a billion holds on both the printed and audiobook versions from the local library. I started two days ago and am already about halfway through. I can't put it down! Even when I'm exhausted and my eyes don't want to stay open, I can't stop reading. I can hardly wait to see the movie now and read the other two books -- not necessarily in that order.
I hope that this brings a smile to your face and if this is your first exposure to Jason Mraz or his latest single, The Hunger Games, or babies (just kidding!) I hope that you're not disappointed. Let me know what you think!