Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Holy Update, Batman!

So (surprise, surprise) I lied about the whole "I'll update soon" thing.  Not intentionally, but things just got crazy.  Since it's been something like eight months since my last update I'll stick with the quick version in bullet points.

First the good news:

  • I, being the brilliantly determined and stubborn woman that I am, got a 4.0 GPA in my first two semesters back in school!
  • I also won an incredible scholarship that will, if nothing else, completely cover my remaining three semesters of undergraduate study!  It's a huge honor and I'm very proud of the award.  Hopefully I'll be able to use that money to move closer to school so I don't have to continue driving two hours every day.
  • In personal news, I finally got myself back into the dating world and found a very nice guy, we dated for six months, and only recently broke up (yesterday and amicably).  There is the possibility of something more significant in the future, but nothing is decided yet.
  • We've had family visiting in the past couple weeks; the reason for which is listed below, but the opportunity to visit with my aunts Givhan and Kathryn and with Granddad are worth listing here.
  • My cousin (the one whose medieval wedding we attended last summer) gave birth to the first of the next generation:  a beautiful little girl, Menolly Lucile, who arrived three weeks before her due date!  A little jaundice aside, mother and daughter are both healthy and well and home from the hospital.  Yay!
  • Today (!!) is my grandfather's 88th birthday!  Happy birthday, Granddad!
  • I've recently begun working retail again -- no, the fact that I'm back in retail is not why it's listed under good news but the paycheck is.

Now the less good news:

  • My mom had a stroke a month ago which has caused us to make a lot of changes.  She's doing very well considering it's been only a month; she still has slightly delayed responses and coordination, but the biggest problem is her impaired vision.  She's not able to read well and clearly not able to drive.  She has trouble doing what used to be simple and gets frustrated and tired easily.  Still, her improvement is reason for optimism and it has only been a month.

So, clearly a lot has been going on -- especially lately.  Summer has just started -- whew!  At the end of June, we (Mom and I) are planning to caravan with my aunt and cousin to Michigan (once again) to see the baby, visit with everyone, and see Granddad play his piano recital to celebrate his birthday.  It promises to be an eventful trip but hopefully a less eventful summer than last summer!

I'll be trying to make some changes around here to make it more update-able for me and more interesting for anyone who may choose to visit.  So stay tuned...!

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