Monday, April 9, 2012

So That Happened...

I'm terrible at updating on a regular basis, apparently.  The iPhone app hasn't changed that, I guess...Oh well.  Things in Liberty Corner have been good, but nothing specific has happened that was fantastic or interesting enough to warrant a post about it unto itself -- or maybe I'm just lazy -- but either way, here's the great big update blob!

I have been officially accepted at UNC and plan to start taking classes in the fall.  I have only today filed my taxes so that I could finish my FAFSA, so both are going through the bureaucracy now -- or will be soon, I guess, since it's still Sunday.

The Hunger Games has become my new obsession.  Literally, I have read, watched, or listened to something pertaining to the Hunger Games every day since I started the book just before spring break.  I finished the trilogy in less than a week and saw the movie opening weekend -- and I have tentative plans to see it again when one of my friends finishes the book.  And in all my down time, or when I'm cleaning or driving, I have been listening to the audio books on repeat.  Admittedly, I'm nursing a major crush on Peeta despite the fact that he is a fictional, teenage character.  Okay, also Cinna...And Finnick...I may need help.  Fortunately, I have a few friends who have recently gotten sucked into the world of Panem as well so I can geek out with them about it.  Good thing, too, because Catching Fire was my favorite and I don't know how I'll survive the 18 months till the movie's slated release!

It almost seems like the universe knew I needed something to distract me from this latest obsession, because last night I went with my friend, Nedah, to see Christopher Moore speak in Denver and get his autograph.  The man is a very sick sort of genius -- complex yet simple, irreverent, hilarious (seriously, I've literally laughed out loud while reading every single book), and actually intelligent.  I've read all of his books, and owned all but one before the new release last Tuesday.  I ordered Sacre Bleu:  A Comedy D'Art online because it was significantly cheaper and I didn't really have time to read it during the week anyway, so when it arrived yesterday I was on my way to the signing.  I am still working on it, but it starts off with Vincent van Gogh so it's already off to a brilliant start!  And even in just the first couple chapters, reading his distinct writing style is like visiting an old friend.  Okay, maybe I need some more actual friends...

Me with Christopher Moore, Author Guy.

Me with my awesome birthday present...
even if it was almost three months late!
Thank you, Nedah!
But the friends I do have are awesome, I must admit that!  Nedah felt guilty that she hadn't gotten me a birthday present for my 30th in January.  Honestly, I hadn't even thought about it till she mentioned it.  But while we were waiting to be allowed to line up for Christopher Moore's autograph we wandered around the bookstore that was hosting the event.  I was looking for the one book missing from my collection.  The only reason I didn't own all of his previous works was because I couldn't find The Stupidest Angel on any bookstore shelves and I hadn't gotten around to ordering it online yet.  I'd read it only by checking it out from the library.  Didn't see it on the regular shelves, but once we were in line we saw one more display about 25 feet away from the signing table.  There was one copy of the book left.  Nedah, who hadn't read the book but who's a lot more assertive than I am, ran up and grabbed it before we got there in line and brought it back.  I joked that she should have him personalize it to me and give it to me as her birthday/Christmas present to me.  Totally kidding, though, because I figured I'd lost.  Then she went and found one of the people with sticky notes to get the personalization information ready.  She tried to trick me by getting her name on a sticky on top of it, but she actually did have him sign it to me for my birthday.  It was awesome!

I've been working out fairly regularly and eating well, most of the time.  Of course, there are days when I choose sleeping over hopping onto the treadmill or when I go out with friends and roughly double my caloric intake, but oh well!  I've lost 10 pounds now since my birthday almost three months ago with little yo-yo-ing and I'm excited.  I feel stronger, healthier, and more confident (though my confidence level really had nowhere to go but up) and I can tell that my clothes are fitting me differently, if they fit at all.  My favorite pair of jeans are now loose right out of the drier, but no loose enough to need the next size down...not just yet.  A random girl who works in the cafeteria at my school (work) told me I look like I've been losing weight, though, so with that sort of positive reinforcement I may be able to keep up the momentum!

Lastly, I've been reading the blog 1000 Awesome Things for a little while -- and went back to look through the archive to catch up as much as I could when I found it last year.  The author, Neil Pasricha, started it by counting down from 1000 naming many of the innumerable awesome things about life, relationships, the world, and the small things.  There are many that have been funny, as well as several that are touching and poignant.  Others are so obvious, the title is all that's needed.  The glass-is-half-full sort of perspective has even spawned two books.  Now, however, is the home stretch.  Tomorrow's post, already up now, is #9.  I am sad that something so uplifting will be ending.  I really loved the post I saw this morning on Post Secret and encourage anyone who hasn't already seen it to read it.  And for those of you who need a pick-me-up, I encourage you to read both blogs.  They're both AWESOME!

I promise I'll try to be better about posting shorter updates more often...but I can't promise it'll work!  Anyway, I'm off to read!

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy that things are going so well! Exciting that you are going to school :) Hooray for Liberty!

    love ya
